IB Math AI: Full Package (HL)
방원준 선생님의 IB Math AI 전체 단원
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IB Math AI의 1~5 단원
Chapter 1: Number and Algebra
Chapter 2: Functions
Chapter 3: Geometry & Trigonometry
Chapter 4: Statistics & Probability
Chapter 5: Calculus
무료 수업 12:06
1.2.2 Arithmetic Sequence15:30
1.2.3 Series07:42
1.2.4 Arithmetic Series11:08
1.2.5 Simple Interest14:43
1.2.6 Real-life example07:39
1.3.1 Geometric Sequence09:36
1.3.2 Geometric Series13:47
1.3.3 Real-life example08:55
1.6.1 Approximation04:48
1.6.2 Bound07:15
1.6.3 Percentage Errors05:13
1.6.4 Estimation03:12
1.8.1 Simultaneous Equations06:09
1.8.2 Simultaneous equations with Calculator 103:42
1.8.3 Simultaneous equations with Calculator 204:40
1.13.1 Polar form30:19
1.13.2 Euler form07:16
1.13.3 De Moivre's Theorem08:37
1.13.4 Sinusoidal function with Complex Numbers10:14
1.14.1 Algebra 104:27
1.14.2 Algebra 213:12
1.14.3 Identity and Zero Matrix04:51
1.14.4 Inverse Matrix by Calculator09:26
1.14.5 Inverse Matrix by Hand06:58
1.14.6 Simultaneous Equations06:55
무료 수업 15:07
2.1.2 Distance Formula05:12
2.5.1 Linear Modeling14:47
2.5.2 Quadratic Modeling13:21
2.5.3 Exponential Modeling09:31
2.5.4 Direct/Inverse Variation05:30
2.5.5 Cubic Modeling06:30
2.5.6 Sinusoidal Modeling11:38
무료 수업 06:53
2.7.2 Composite Function13:54
2.7.3 Inverse Function32:31
2.9.1 Exponential Model with Half Life08:00
2.9.2 Natural Logarithmic model04:35
2.9.3 Sinusoidal model 206:47
2.9.4 Logistic Models08:31
2.9.5 Piecewise models05:39
3.6.1 Voronoi Diagram14:24
3.6.2 Addition of a site08:20
3.6.3 Nearest Neighbour Interpolation03:16
3.6.4 Toxic Waste Dump Problem08:05
3.7.1 Radian Measure02:49
3.7.2 Length and Area07:01
무료 수업 14:38
3.8.1 Pythagorean Identities08:47
3.8.2 Proving Identities10:55
3.8.3 Reference Angle15:55
3.8.4 Trigonometric Equations11:59
3.8.5 Trigonometric Function10:27
3.8.6 Trigonometric Function Transformation18:03
3.9.1 Affine Transformation10:10
3.9.2 Common Transformation 118:21
3.9.3 Common Transformation 209:01
3.9.4 Determinant of Transformation Matrix04:57
3.9.5 Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors with Transformation10:23
3.10.1 Vector Definition04:30
3.10.2 Vector Addition08:45
3.10.3 Vector Scalar Multiplication08:36
3.10.4 Vector 3D Representation05:04
3.10.5 Vector Magnitude05:43
3.10.6 Vector Component09:29
3.11.1 Vector Line Equations16:39
3.11.2 Angle between lines03:41
3.11.3 Distance with Line Equations13:21
3.11.4 Vector Line Intersection11:49
3.12.1 Motion with variables in 2D10:03
3.12.2 Projectile Motion10:10
3.12.3 Circular Motion06:44
3.12.4 Modelling time-shift05:15
3.13.1 Dot Product11:12
3.13.2 Cross Product11:11
3.13.3 Cross Product with Geometry10:23
3.14.1 Introduction to Graph Theory22:19
3.14.2 Adjacency Table10:43
3.14.3 Moving Around a Graph17:12
무료 수업 01:17
3.1b Q&A03:04
3.1c Q&A04:16
3.2a Q&A00:42
3.2b Q&A01:34
3.3 Q&A02:08
.3.4 Q&A01:30
3.5 Q&A01:50
3.6 Q&A05:54
무료 수업 01:21
3.8 Q&A (HL)03:38
3.9 Q&A (HL)06:34
3.10 Q&A (HL)03:57
3.11 Q&A (HL)03:11
3.12a Q&A (HL)02:20
3.12b Q&A (HL)04:17
3.13 Q&A (HL)04:39
3.14 Q&A (HL)02:53
3.15a Q&A (HL)01:55
3.15b Q&A (HL)01:20
3.15c Q&A (HL)02:46
3.16a Q&A (HL)04:06
3.16b Q&A (HL)04:32
3.16c Q&A (HL)04:23
3.16d Q&A (HL)05:49
4.3.1 Discrete Data07:37
4.3.2 Grouped Data08:54
4.3.3 Variance and Standard Deviation08:54
4.6.1 Venn Diagrams05:19
4.6.2 Tree Diagrams08:17
4.6.3 Additional Law02:54
4.6.4 Conditional Probability16:19
4.6.5 Independence10:05
4.6.6 De Morgan's Law08:11
4.11.1 Null and Alternative Hypothesis19:37
4.11.2 Chi-squared Test14:53
4.11.3 chi-squarted for independence09:23
4.11.4 t-distribution17:39
4.11.5 Means of Two Populations11:23
무료 수업 15:04
4.12.2 Chi-squared for categorizing numerical data07:48
4.12.3 Chi-squared for Parameters16:33
4.14.1 Linear Transformation of Single random variable22:00
4.14.2 Unbiased Esimate for mean and variance08:02
4.17.1 Poisson distribution, properties, Sum of two indepndent Poisson Distribution58:42
4.18.1 Critical Value and Region14:07
4.18.2 means of Unpaired Samples14:56
4.18.3 Test for Binomial distribution22:08
4.18.4 Test for Poisson distribuion12:53
4.18.5 Test for bivariate modeling07:58
4.18.6 Type I and II errors21:37
무료 수업 04:59
4.2 Q&A03:44
4.3 Q&A04:22
4.4 Q&A03:54
4.5 Q&A02:59
4.6 Q&A06:21
4.7 Q&A04:48
4.8 Q&A02:43
4.9 Q&A03:39
4.10 Q&A04:58
4.11 Q&A14:52
무료 수업 05:04
4.13 Q&A (HL)08:51
4.14 Q&A (HL)05:13
4.15 Q&A (HL)02:50
4.16 Q&A (HL)03:31
4.17 Q&A (HL)02:12
4.18 Q&A(HL)03:22
4.19 Q&A (HL)14:10
무료 수업 10:23
5.1.2 First Principles06:49
5.15.1 Slope Fields12:44
5.5.1 Fundamental Theorem of Calculus08:00
5.5.2 Riemann Sum06:13
5.5.3 Integration03:56
5.5.4 Definite Integral05:23
5.5.5 Integration with Area05:34
무료 수업 04:37
5.9.2 Trigonometric Function09:09
5.9.3 Tangent and Normal 205:07
5.9.4 Behavior of Function 222:58
5.11.1 Integration by Substitution07:44
5.11.2 Integration by Radicals04:28
5.11.3 Integration with Trigonometry05:05
5.11.4 Integration with Quotient02:23
5.12.1 Area between two curves08:05
5.12.2 Volume of Revolution04:26
5.12.3 Volume Washer10:41
5.13.1 Kinematics 104:51
5.13.2 Signs of Variables02:49
5.13.3 Speed vs Velocity08:24
5.13.4 Distance vs Displacement07:56
5.17.1 Coupled System07:40
5.17.2 Phase Portraits18:56
5.17.3 Phaese Portraits with Euler08:54
무료 수업 05:37
5.2 Q&A02:52
5.3 Q&A01:44
5.4 Q&A05:18
5.5 Q&A02:22
5.6 Q&A02:50
5.7 Q&A01:55
5.8 Q&A03:20
무료 수업 03:33
5.10 Q&A (HL)04:15
5.11 Q&A (HL)02:44
5.12 Q&A (HL)03:09
5.13 Q&A (HL)05:22
5.14 Q&A (HL)03:06
5.15 Q&A (HL)02:07
5.16 Q&A (HL)04:09
5.17 Q&A (HL)08:08
5.18 Q&A (HL)04:46
방원준 선생님의 IB Math AI (HL) 강좌입니다.
다루는 단원은 Chapter 1~5 HL (전체 과정) 입니다.
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*얼라이언스 에듀의 모든 IB과정 HL 강좌는 SL 내용을 포함하고 있습니다!
일시정지 기간: 14일 2회
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1. 궁금한 부분의 강의 영상 번호 (1.1.1)
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★★★★★ 5.0